Dave Kang Laboratory

Welcome to the USDA ARS BCIRL Insect Microbiome Laboratory!

The Kang laboratory is a part of the USDA Agricultural Research Service Biological Control of Insects Research Laboratory and is affiliated with the Division of Biological Sciences, Division of Plant Sciences and Technology, the Digital Agriculture Research Extension Center, and the Grape and Wine Institute at the University of Missouri. We investigate the utilization of microbiomes in the control of insect pests. Our interests are the environmental influences and within community interactions of microbiomes, host-microbe interactions, and their downstream impact on host immunity, metabolism, reproduction, and survival. We value team work, honest communication, and aim to foster an environment focused on the development and success of our students.

Our laboratory focuses on a multidisciplinary approach. First, we capture microbial and host variation in the wild. Next, we use statistical modeling to generate hypotheses. We then use the genetically tractable model organism Drosophila melanogaster to test and refine these hypotheses. The knowledge gained from these experiments is then utilized to control agricultural pests, such as the berry pest, Spotted Wing Drosophila (Drosophila suzukii).

Laboratory Members

Permanant Members

David (Dave) Kang, PhD
Principal Investigator / USDA ARS Research Molecular Biologist
Email: Dave.Kang@usda.gov

Joe Ringbauer Jr., PhD
USDA ARS Laboratory Manager
Email: Joseph.Ringbauer@usda.gov

Postdoctoral Fellows

Rishi Bhandari, PhD
SciNET AI COE Postdoctoral Fellow
Email: Rishi.Bhandari@usda.gov

My research examines how microbial community assembly affects Drosophila pest performance using machine learning and statistical modeling techniques.

Katharine (Kate) Eastman, PhD
USDA Administrator Funded Research Associate (Big Data)
Email: Katharine.Eastman@usda.gov

My research focuses on developing a bioinformatic-based platform that utilizes shotgun metagenome sequence data to create pan-genome assemblies.

Graduate Students

Kaihre Brightwater
PhD Student, University of Missouri Division of Biological Sciences
Email: kbgbg@missouri.edu

I am interested in documenting the metabolic conversation between fruit flies and the bacteria that make up their microbiome.

Sanchita Das, MS
PhD Student, University of Missouri Division of Biological Sciences
Email: sdgqw@missouri.edu

My research focuses on mechanisms underlying microbial influences on Drosophila melanogaster phenotype.

Research Assistants

Julius Olumeh
Laboratory Assistant / PhD Student at Newcastle University
Email: Julius.Olumeh@usda.gov


Himani Joshi
USDA SciNet Intern / PhD Student at Mississippi State University (Peixin Fan Laboratory)
Email: hj532@msstate.edu

Leigha Patton

I am an undergraduate Pre-Vet student at the University of Missouri primarily interested in small animal, wildlife, and avian medicine or veterinary wildlife research.

Past Members

Laurie Agosto
Visiting PhD Student at University of Missourri (Pamela Brown Laboratory)

Eliot Bitting, MA
Computational Research Intern

Alex Boyd
Laboratory Assistant / Biochemistry student at University Of Missourri

Joyce Marumo, PhD
SciNET AI COE Postdoctoral Fellow
Co-advised with Dr. Paula Chen, Dr. Bethany Redel, Dr. Jacob Washburn, Dr. Norman Best, and Dr. Adam R. Rivers

Jacky Weng
Laboratory Intern

Zoe Wills
Laboratory Assistant / MS Student at Tennessee State University

Iris Ma
Wynna Faye Elbert Award Recipient

Jeffrey (Cooper) Gregg